This Steve Jobs movie that’s being produced by Sony is taking all kinds of twists and turns as it pertains to the lead role. Allegedly, first Christian Bale was going to star as Jobs then he backed out, next up was Leonardo DiCaprio who signed on for the role who also backed out over time, then Bale came back into the fold as the lead but now according to Hollywood Reporter, he is back out.
Sources say Bale, after much deliberation and conflicting feelings, came to the conclusion he was not right for the part and decided to withdraw. The script is said to be divided into three acts that detail Jobs preparing for three presentations that came to define his life and the life of the company he co-founded, lost and came back to.
On Oct. 23, Sorkin told Bloomberg TV that Bale was playing Jobs. “We needed the best actor on the board in a certain age range and that’s Chris Bale,” the writer said at the time. “He didn’t have to audition. Well, there was a meeting.”